Test batch manufacturing with prototype equipment / Ar prototipa aprīkojumu saražota izmēģinājuma partija

04 Feb 2021 in

Within the scope of LIFEALFIO project, manufacturing equipment prototype instalation works has been compleated.  The performance of prototype equipment was assessed during the production of the test batch. Obtained organoclay samples was tested for a quality control, providing the necessary data to evaluate the organophilization process and the properties of the obtained organomal. Data analysis provided the necessary validation to confirm that the manufacturing process and prototype equipment are capable to provide a product of required quality. 


Setting up prototype for organoclay manufacturing / Tiek uzstādīts prototips organomālu ražošanai

18 Jan 2021 in

Work towards organoclay manufacturing prototype has been compleated. The equipment and related components were manufactured in accordance with the requirements. As planned, in January 2021, they were delivered to Latvia for installation and testing for organoclay manufacturing.


Ir noslēgusies organomālu ražošanas prototipa sagatavošana Tika veikta ražošanas prasībām atbilstoša aprīkojuma un ar to saistīto sastāvdaļu izgatavošana. Atbilstoši plānotajam 2021. gada janvārī tie tika piegādāti uz Latviju uzstādīšanai un piemērotības organomālu ražošanai pārbaudei.

LIFE ALFIO project exposure in national TV channel of Latvia, LTV7 / Informācija par LIFE ALFIO projektu — LTV7 raidījumā

23 Nov 2020 in

Within the project of LIFE-ALFIO (Alina Life Formulations in Open-Source Platform), where ALINA together with project partners as University of Latvia and Riga Technical University, develop future recipes that have a reduced content of volatile organic substances and biocides, thus reducing harm to the environment and people. The new paint and coating recipes will be available in 2022 both in Latvia and elsewhere in Europe. Link to the video
