LIFE-ALFIO's Paints for Life at European Coating Show 2023 / LIFE-ALFIO platformas prezentācija izstādē European Coating Show 2023

30 Mar 2023 in

I am excited to share that ALINA, the company behind Paints for Life, had the incredible opportunity to showcase our innovative platform at the prestigious European Coating Show 2023 in Nuremberg, Germany. As the CEO of ALINA, I am proud to have been part of this momentous event where we had the chance to present our groundbreaking solutions and contribute to the industry's sustainability goals.

LIFE-ALFIO project calls for more sustainable use of paints in the public sector/ LIFE-ALFIO projekts rosina ilgtspējīgāku krāsu lietojumu publiskajā sektorā

05 May 2021 in

Informed choices of the consumers add to being more environmentally sustainable; various paint products differ by their impact on the indoor air quality as well as environmental impact of the materials used in the manufacture of these products. What is the situation in the public sector? Can we be assured to have good air quality in the public buildings?